Last stable release archive: download Leafiny 1.11.1 (2022-08-04).
- Apache 2.4+
- PHP 7.2 to PHP 8.1
- MySQL 5.6+ / MariaDB 10.0+
PHP Extensions
- gd
- pdo_mysql
- json
- mbstring
- intl
- mysqli
Refer to documentation: Leafiny installation
Official third party modules
Leafiny_Debug: Debug all queries and objects loaded on a page
Sentry_Log: Integrate the Sentry SDK into Leafiny
Leafiny_Ssg: Generate a static version of the Leafiny CMS website
Mollie_Payment: Mollie Payment solution for Leafiny Commerce
Axepta_Payment: PNB Paribas Axepta Payment solution for Leafiny Commerce